Birds of a Feather

This is the cool thing that happens almost every morning. They just like to sit right there together in this same location all the time. My husband says the people in the house next to this pole feed them, I guess they're waiting for brekky.

What I want to keep my mouth shut about, but just can't, is the fact that I never blip blue sky photos any more because of those blotches on my lens. I have tried and tried to clean it, really, I have. I'm the one who always gets food stains on my papers too. I don't think I should be allowed to own a good camera, I can't keep the lens clean. Gah! I recently told someone that they were welcome to come to my house as long as they didn't do the white glove test on my furniture...unless they're wearing one of those micro fiber mits that will do the dusting while they test my cleanliness....maybe that would work for my lens too.

I'm crazy tired. I have nothing more to say about that...except that I dread reading this in the morning when I will want to kick myself for whining about my dirty lens when it really isn't your problem and I can't make any excuses for it, it's just dirty and I wanted to post these birds anyway.

Go away and leave me comments on my dirty lens please.

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