
Once upon a time...I was a little ittle bittle freshman in a college writing course that I was not happy about taking. On the first day this girl came up to me and asked if I could let her know what happens in the next class because she wouldn't be there (SLACKER).

The rest is history. Today, Erin and I took a walk to the classroom where we met and have very fond memories of our crazy writing professor; Sickler. Further investigation into Erin and my facebook wall-to-wall reminds me of these wonderful memories. (This is mostly for Erin to read and lawlz at everyone else can ignore)
-"I'm going to be doing a lot of grunting today" -Sickler
-When he taught us how to speak Ebonics
-Luke and his many hats
-"Everyone's here...oh wait Jillian isnt. hmmm. Anyone know where she might be?" "You're giving me a hard time....are you trying to take Jillian's place since she isn't here today?" "I graded all three of Jillian's papers and then she doesn't even show. Typical." -Sickler
-Him judging my facial expressions
-letting me sit there and play pong the entire class
-"Jilly and Stephie and Charlie and Kimmie and Garrettie and....Erinie...."
-him showing us his house on google earth
-The prostitute story and the fork story
-His outfit.

Obviously, it's quite clear why Erin and I became the best of friends <3

"If you reveal everything, bare every feeling, ask for understanding, you lose something crucial to your sense of yourself. You need to know things that others don't know. It's what no one knows about you that allows you to know yourself."
-Don DeLillo

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