The second half of life..

By twigs

Wrap n' roll

Yup - pressies all wrapped and ready to roll out to the PO tomorrow. I think I'm on schedule with previous years - maybe even slightly ahead - so am hoping that the PO's in NZ and England will do their bit to get the parcels delivered in time for Christmas :)

Not that I'm a big fan of Christmas. In fact, when I was in a book store today this book almost leaped off the shelf into my hands! It's since gone down in my estimation as the reviews aren't too good (in fact, they're downright bad!) but his premise is spot on. He wants to re-assert himself into his his consumerism-hijacked life by becoming more minimalist.

Anyway, the long and the short of this is that I'm seeing Christmas more and more as a market driven circus and less and less as a time of caring, sharing and loving. We need to show we care every day, we need to be be kind and thoughtful every day, we need to love each other every day . . . . . and we do these things not by buying un-necessary, frivolous gifts which have been strategically thrust under our noses from early November until late December, but by taking the time to talk, to listen, to share, to laugh, to play . . . .

Rant over. I'm hatching an idea for next Christmas though. These rolls of wrapping paper may well have no place in my life by next year . . . .

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