Lathyrus Odoratus

By lathyrus

Outside looking in

It was my day off today. Stayed in bed til 6.30am then walked from sunrise to sunset across the Downs from Lewes to Glynde, Firle, Berwick and back, experiencing most of the weather conditions that Britain has to offer. I particularly like the village of West Firle in winter, there are few visitors around and a lovely smell from the open fire at the Ram Inn seems to pervade the whole place. Its only a small village but has attracted an interesting collection of residents over the years Virginia Woolfe, Vanessa Bell, Duncan Grant, Maynard Keynes, Katherine Mansfield and so on.

I spent a while in St Peter's church, its famous for the John Piper window tucked away in the vestry which depicts Blake's Tree of Life. Beneath that window is the alabaster effigy of Sir John Gage wearing his Order of the Garter and lying beside his wife Philippa. As Constable of the Tower it was Sir John who oversaw the execution of Lady Jane Grey.

What I really like however are the Martha and Mary windows on the south wall. They date from 1885. The window opposite on the north wall is plain glass so, when the sun is out on the south side, you can see right through the church to this beacon of colour . One day I'll blip the window from close-up.

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