stage diving practice

after a very serious (and helpful) meeting in school yesterday to discuss how to support this one in becoming less forgetful and more able to concentrate and stuff, I thought the best thing to do to help her along these lines would be to take her to see those models of good behaviour the Red Hot Chili Peppers (link to back blip). As you can see, it had a great effect on her. So, folks, take a tip from a pro, if your kids are a bit fidgety in school and forget things all the time, then the best medicine is to sit them in a room with about 10'000 other people and blast them through with a good bass-line. And then let them stay up until 1am and bunk off school the next day. That's how these young people will learn respect and discipline!!

Talking of learning stuff, she's taught herself how to play the flute (querflöte) today. Leaping around to loud music and teaching herself to play musical instruments...hmmm, could that be a sign that she's a chip off the old block, by any chance?

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