Simply Me

By Suze981

Pilates night

Wednesday nights are my 'pilates for runners' course nights. I go to a random warehouse near Lothian road and roll about for an hour. I didn't think it worked at the start, but now I really love them. I can really feel it in my core muscles.

This is the view from my mat. I love the vivid colours of the balls. To the right of the balls are the dreaded Pilates rollers. These apparently help loosen tight muscles and surrounding tissue.

I apparently have really tight Iliotibial bands in my thighs. I have always known this (although not the words to describe it) but tonight another woman told me a horror story about when she had tight Iliotibial bands and ended up badly inflaming and damaging her knees. I am suitably scared. 2-3 minutes on each leg with one of these rollers and it'll fix them right up. I am off to buy one now...

I think this proves I'll believe anything. She probably has shares in Pilates rollers or something.

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