Through Jo's Lens

By Jo8lens

Who Will Buy....?

Today was yet another of those strange days I seem to be in the habit of living.

At work, I had domiciliary visits which included a care home. It's a nice care home with wonderful staff but it still makes me think about how I might live out the final years of my life....makes me think a lot! Once I returned to the hospital, I nipped up to see my Dad (it was during my break time so it was fine!). He was in a side room and I said how good that was. My Dad is obviously a lot more sociable than me because he didn't like being stuck in a side room at all and wanted to be on a ward so that he could have a bit of a laugh with other patients. He should be back home tomorrow so I'm sure he'll be fine.

I collected the younger two from school and Jed came running out with a "very important letter". I started to read it as we were walking home. It said that the school's performance of Oliver for tomorrow, which we all have tickets for, had now been rescheduled until next Monday because of an Ofsted inspection that the school had only just been informed about taking place tomorrow and Friday. The letter said it would also be good for the children to have a nice rest, having already completed some performances of Oliver, and that the weather was going to be atrocious anyway on Wednesday evening. Of course, it was to do with the Ofsted inspection and that alone! I went back to the school office to see if we could go to tonights performance because I'm going to a concert on Monday in Manchester and have paid a small fortune for tickets for said concert. The office secretary said no we couldn't go tonight as they were booked up. I asked if we could just stand at the rear of the hall? No, fire regulations and all that. That was that, I was really gutted. I've been to every school performance since 2004 and didn't want to miss this one either but there was nothing I could do. As we walked home, Jed's teacher came running after me and asked if I would have to miss Monday's performance....yes....well, she said, you can come to tonights performance. So, all was fine. Myself, Graham and Lewis went to see the younger two perform. They were great as were all the children. Some of the lead singers were really fantastic and I just love watching how amazing children can be.

As well as charging £2 per ticket for the performance, the school makes a DVD of the performance and sells it for £15....I don't know what Freddie Flintoff is complaining about....I'm a sucker for them though and will have a fine collection by the time all of my children have left this particular school.

As for the Ofsted thing, why do they give the school notice in any case? Surely a school should be inspected at any given time, without prior notice. Seems mad to me.

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