Life is a Minestrone !!

By bererunner

Roll Up, Roll Up, Roll Up..............!!!

Good morning ladies and gentlemen, i trust you're all in very good fettle this fine Thursday morning............!!

I hear what you're saying, it's another Sea Gull, well ladies and gentlemen, yes it is a Sea Gull, but not any old Sea Gull.

No i don't give you a Common Sea Gull, or a Mediterranean Sea Gull or even a Herring Gull..........

No, i give you a "Ring Billed Gull"..........and there it is, a ring on it's bill.....

Totally obvious..........!!

It's probably just as well we don't live in such a literal world, i'd hate to go to the bank and the teller was to say, "Good Morning Mr Bald Headed Man"...........

I much prefer John or Mr Bell......

So is the Gull's real name Pete or Geoff or Dave or even Caroline............

Next time i'll ask........!!

Have a great day..........!!


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