
By BikerJim

~Seedpod Stalk~

~And A Stone~

I saw this potential image several day ago.
And I've been obsessing about it ever sense.
It was at the top of a very narrow ridge.
Which had a steep rocky embankment.
Earlier this week I blew it off as too dangerous.
But the obsession over came my common sense.
To heck with all the loose dirt and rocks.
Mid-day sun baking the desert to a toasty 101°.
The snakes, lizards, scorpions and tarantulas.
Despite all those life threatening hazards.
Well, I managed to get the photograph.
And lived to relate my story to all.
About how I risked all for the love of art.

The strange twist to this harrowing tale.
Happened upon reaching the crest of the ridge.
I look around to see what new dangers awaited me.
To my shock and horror, staring me right in the eye.
I can hardly bring myself to relate what I faced.
A range cow munching on some desert grasses.
But the worst part of this horrific experience.
She looked me straight in the eye and mooed, twice!

You know, you're all lucky I'm still here to post this image,
after almost not returning from my nightmare on the ridge,
with the "Killer Cow of the Lago del Oro".

Thanks for stopping in to make sure I was alright!

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