It's a dogs life!

By LilytheLab

Behaving myself!

After the last few days I thought I would behave myself today and pose beautifully for this christmassy blip :-)

I wasn't sure about the tree to start with. I stood and woofed at it ALOT and then mum hung this wooden star thing from a beam in the middle of the lounge.......I HATED that and woofed at it for a good few days. Mum had to keep standing on the coffee table and getting it down for me to sniff!

I didn't have a very good night last night so I didn't chew my bed at all. I was sick twice :-( but I'm fine. Still full of beans and ate some, but not all, of my breakfast. Then I have been sick again this afternoon. I am not sure what is going on. I feel absolutely fine in myself. I have been to the field for a good run after my ball and am still trying to wrestle daddy everytime he sits down *giggle* Mum wonders whether I have eaten something dodgy. I did eat one of the pine cones off the tree which was covered in gold paint. Maybe that didn't agree with me?!

Today is mum and daddy's 6th wedding anniversary so it is another reason for being good today! I can't imagine being married to someone for that long! They have been together for 11 years...phew! That's a loooonnggg time!

I don't think I want to get myself tied down just yet, although my gorgeous twitter boyfriend Cerny Wingate may just be "the one" and change my mind. I will see when I meet him in January ;-). He is very handsome, very kind and makes me laugh a lot! I will have to try and get a photo of us together!

I hope everyone is staying warm in this horrible weather.

Bye for now
Lily xxx

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