My Magic Kingdom

By HRHCinderella

Cat's Eyes

Kelsi was my chosen model today and she did a very good job!

I had a few errands to do on the other side of the dam, otherwise it was a quiet day. It was really hot again and I didn't have the energy to go out walking, so I decided it was time to showcase Kelsi again on Blip!

I made a tasty fish pie for supper. One of my favourite dishes as all the ingredients go into one pot.

The evenings, at least, are cooler and if we listen closely we hear wonderful night sounds: frogs croaking, owls hooting, night birds cheeping, crickets chirping, lions roaring and even neighbours returning home late. At 5:30 am this morning big daddy vervet monkey was sitting at the top of the tallest tree, loudly calling his troop to hurry up!

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