johnny boy

By johnnyboy

Today i saw my Grandsons.........

Now in itself that is not so unusual, however since the breakdown of my eldest sons marriage it was " decided " the best way to get back at Dad was to stop us see,ing them, and for 5 years thats how its been. No words can tell how much that hurts we were very close sharing all their problems and troubles and it was a cruel ting to do, but we had no other option.
But today was the eldest ones 17th birthday and we deided to take a card and his present round and was going to ask to see them.
Im not religious but if ever i thought there was a God, it was today. The boys were at home alone and answered the door and the shock we got was amazing.
The eldest, who i used to give shoulder rides was at least 6ft and the other one close behind, cuddles all round and they made it clear they were aware that they knew it was not our fault, it was out of this world seeing them so today im trying to say that a 5 year cloudy sky seemed to turn blue if only for today. It can be a cruel world , but if you keep hoping you never know.
Its made our day in a way i cant explain any better. Hope it never happens to you.

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