An eventful work Christmas lunch - got to the pub only to have the power be cut in the street. Thankfully it was still daylight so we could still carry on drinking. Power went back on just as we gathering to be seated at our table.

After the lovely meal at L'Escargot Bleu we ended up at a pub - and pretty much took over the jukebox with an eclectic mix of music - with a large group of people it's always fun :)

At one point we noticed there were firemen outside - apparently the street had been cordonned off and there were two fire engines outside with the ladder being extended to the building above - no idea if there was a fire (I presume not or we'd have been evcuated from the pub) or what - but most of the girls ended up have a wee peek outside :)

A fun evening - and good to catch up with some people who we've not seen in a while!

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