Today's Special

By Connections

The Real Deal

Among our favorite things about the holidays are the seasonal treats, and the Italian specialty panforte (literally "strong bread"), like good homemade fruitcake, is something we eagerly anticipate. Replete with honey, spiced, almonds, and candied and/or dried fruit, it is said to have originated in 13th century Siena.

Imported from Italy, it hardly counts as local food, but there is no comparison between the carbon footprint of one panforte coming here versus both of us flying round-trip to Italy! And we purchased it locally, at Old World Deli, so that should count for something as well.

My horse-crazy-child persona and my college-student-medieval-and-Renaissance-history-and literature-lover persona love the packaging, and I'm sure that my local-food-lover persona will relish the flavors. Now to decide when to open that package -- Christmas Eve, or wait until Christmas Day?

(Medical update: The sight in my right eye, two full days post-op, continues to improve. Today I looked at the 5.5 minute DVD of the cataract procedure on my eye as seen by the surgeon through a high-power operating microscope -- fascinating! Patients are offered the option of a DVD of their cataract surgery; I was delighted to have it.

And I thought you might enjoy seeing a photo I took 45 minutes after the surgery, from the car, while Phil was taking his Dec. 13 blip. I used my left (non-dominant) eye, as my right eye was taped shut, of course!)

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