Mr Mysterious H

By MrMayhem

Buddy, Roy or Me

Okay so by popular demand. It's me and my new glasses. I was gonna wait until tomorrow as hopefully i will have my 'hawk back by then thats if i don't bottle it but i figure another sp tomorrow won't hurt.

This picture took ages for me to get right. Natural light obviously, nose inside the cheek as it should be, sky burnt down in PSE as it was a massive over exposure. But when will i learn, less is more when it comes to editing? I really wanted to make my hair black as well to add to the Holly/Orbison feel but it just wasn't working for me.

Probably gonna go Xmas shopping tonight so i will but mega stressed by bedtime but i figure the Missus is good people so she deserves a gift or 2 this year. Maybe i can take my camera and get some nice Christmasy street low light shots....ah fuck that means i won't be able to put them on here.

Damn now im in a dilema, do i wait and do an SP tomorrow with the 'hawk and new glasses so i can use a street shot i take tonight for todays blip? The fact i am still typing kinda means i've made up my mind, really doesn't it. Stick with this for today and get a street shot tomorrow night when i go out.

Okay next problem do i go with Buddy or Orbison today....both. I remember being able to play this back in the day. Then there is this ah fuck it i'll throw this in as well. Seeing it's nearly Xmas

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