not a Daily Blipper

By suzy

Beachy head

When we got up this morning we were expecting high winds it said it would be a bout 70mph but they were nothing thank god but it was raining and evening a few snow flakes but not enough to get a covering.

So Keith said we would go out for breakfast so i had to confess to him that i had gone there for my dinner yesterday with my friend while he had so he said dry bread and soup he made him so hard done by.

I said we should go to the downs to see if there was and snow up there as the radio said there would be a sprikle of snow but no it was like a summers day up on Beachy head but the wind was biting Keith dose not like me and molly going up there much as he use to do the cliff rescue from there when he was younger so he know's how dangours it can be as he has told us of the bodies he had found at the bottom so molly is always on the lead.

This is me and molly on our way down and his is the view the way down
as you can see we have our hats and scarf on.

So to finish the day of we went along the sea front back home and had our cuppa and met Keiths mum and had a few words her.

Bye for now love Suzy xxxx Enjoy evening have a good weekend

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