
My last day in the far East. My pal kept me well on task and I was finished my form ahead of time. Though I was working, I did feel it was very relaxed and a bit of a break so that was good, probably being in good company had a lot to do with it. Left my pal and wondered down to the train station and passed a gallery en route and decided to go in.
It was some sort of tapersty exhibition, not really my thing but I was beginning to get into it when I spotted one that looked a Hell of a familiar! I thought, I've seen that one somehere before only it wasnt quite so shiny clean then, finally after some head scratching it dawned on me where I had seen it so when I came home, I opened up my old files and sure enough there it was! I had seen it actually on more than one occassion in its real home - Ardkinglass House on Loch Fyne where my youngster Ceilidh Trailers had performed on more than one occassion to one of the most decerning audiences they have probably ever played in front of. Happy to say that they went down a storm and keep on being invited back each year to perform. So the late Mr Noble has looked down on my crew a few times and I hope he enjoyed what he heard, ghostly as he may have been!
See if you can spot him twice!

Have a good blip evening all

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