I met woodhousesnappa down on the beach today. My children were their usual selves, Jack giving a regular hello before rolling down the stones, Erin hollering hello and then nearly decapitating her brother when throwing a bit of plastic washed up on the shore. Yep that's my children!!!
I have to admit I love the fact that there are other Lyme blippers about now, makes me feel less out on a limb. Had to smile to myself when sorting tonights blip as woodhousesnappa said to me earlier "Well I know what your blip will be today" could have done with him at my house tonight cos I couldn't bloody choose!!! Darren is out so I am going with this one and hoping you like it.

Wishing everyone a wonderful weekend. My parents are home tomorrow and will be taking over the day to day sorting between Gran and the hospital. Can't say I sorry, they have now been warned of the situation and know what they are returning to. Plus with how they were on the phone they are ok with my decison not to break the news of Grans illness to them earlier. Phew!!

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