Glimpse of Summer

I just lost all my typing, not sure what happened and now I'm stuck for words - annoying when that happens!!

The sun was a tease today, flickering through the garden with its magic wand, making the plants glow and shine while the clouds above were heavy and the air so terriably cold - I had to hunt out my possum jumper before I felt nice and cosy.

It was a case of being in the right place at the right time and having the camera handy - a little glimpse of summer appeared but only lasted a minute or two.

Quiet night in with a little catchup with your journals and probably some TV time when Hubby gets home - Saturday night is always a late night for him with much paperwork to be done before he completes 'handover' and can start his weekend. Might see if hes interested in a day trip tomorrow - see if we can find summer :)

Many thanks for your comments, hearts and stars for yesterdays Sweet pea, it held second spot on the spotlight page which is a real honour and one I'm proud of - it was a real challenge to get the framing just right and then the Sweet pea decided to play peek-a-boo - one minute it was there and then it was gone!! The fragrance is divine round my front door, thank you :))

Have a great weekend :)

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