half-eaten food series #3

she was too quick tonight, it was more than half-eaten before I got the camera near it.

Penne al forno with olives, anchovies, onions, artichoke hearts, origano, basil, cream and tomatoes both dried and in form of passata.

Didn't take long for them to eat all of it.

Today I bought my new hob - and, as usual, got a great deal (paid less than half price for it :-)) - I am the queen of buying electrical equipment at far less than full price. I have to admit that it is neither a particularly short or cool title (empress of India is both shorter and cooler, for example). However, it does make life cheaper. Which is why I always get sent to the leccy shop to get things.

Tomorrow we're going to look at stone for the worktop and it will all get ordered on Monday so it can get fitted in the new year. I have a feeling that 2012 will be the year when I cook til they beg for mercy. I have been waiting to have a nice kitchen for about 10 years now - we had a crap one in our old house too.

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