No Batteries

Up early to get a bus across town to meet up with Rancid and not Rancid for a day in the hills.

Our plans were to ski over some hills in Glen Prosen, as we drove North it became apparent that there was not enough snow at low level.

We headed to Glen Shee and identified some hills we could ascend.

I have hardly skied and I am not very good so I was using borrowed stuff. The ascent was hard work but I managed it, I had skins on from the start so I could go forward. On the ridge it was ok going and we had a spot of lunch in a shelter.

As we got higher the wind really picked up, the light and the views were fantastic, but the camera would not work, too cold it appears. Must keep it on my body next time rather than in the rucksack.

Rancid led us into the corrie to excape the wind and worked out a descent route. I was struggling, not being confident on skis and the steep icy slope ment it was hard work. Getting so far I took the skis off and headed down the slope kicking in my heels, on less steep ground I continued to try and ski. I managed but I was getting tired and sore.

A flock of snow buntings buzzed around in the Glen and white hares ran across the crisp surface.

Rancid and Not rancid skied all the way back effortless and gracefully while a clumsily made my way back. What a great day out and a first outing on skis in the hills. Thansk Rancid for the day and your patience.

Quiet night in after a bath, chilling.

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