northern monkeys

By scotchlass

Reindeer boy

This morning we came down for our breakfast to find that it had snowed overnight, there had been at least 3 inches, the kids thought this was brilliant.

We have been out for a walk around Townley Hall in Burnley this afternoon, Monkey picked up these sticks and was pretending to be a reindeer.

He has been a bit poorly this morning, we were on our way to visit some friends when Monkey was very sick in the car. A quick stop off at sainsburys to get a new coat, trousers to bring him back to the hotel for a scrub down and for me to have to scrub the car down. He is feeling a lot better now but very tired.

Not able to comment propely until i get home, as i have to ask for a hours free internet, but will look when i get home.
If you are passing Missymoo's page tomorrow, please wish her a happy birthday.

Have a good evening :)

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