Mummy hiding in the corner, stealing granddads camera,
daddy holding me tight, as he looked cautiously at this strange man,
granddad looking for the escape route,
Nana trying to avoid wandering hands on her bottom
I grabbed an Orange, shoved it in daddys face,
as questions flew at everyone, before a family shot was done,
mummy forced a smile,
daddy holding me down tight,
as this strange man came up behind daddy,
too short to be seen, a family shot epic fail!
We went to another room, to the toy room,
the pick of whatever I wanted,
I spy Oh My, I want,
I run and grab, hold it tight,
Look another orange someone left behind,
shoving it in my bag, granddad tells me too chose,
I couldn't really I couldn't, finally a abacus with a chalk board,
and out we left, grinning in delight with my toy,
mummy plotting how to steal granddads camera,
Nana flushing red at her close encounter,
Granddad and Daddy smiling, glad to be out in one piece
Yep I think our first visit to Father Christmas was a total sucess!

(Mummy note, note the rather expensive couch she chose to sit on, a photo chance before rescuing something that would have been worthless in less then ten secs!!!
Also the white santa on the left, was a robotic one, reading stories, pretty freaky really!)

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