Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

Pink and Scary

Apparently it's ski wear. Looks more like something out of Doctor Who to me. Why would you want to zip your face up?

Actually it is by all accounts very warm, if you want to check it out click here.  And no I'm not on commission, although The Girl Racer who knows more about these things than me recommends their stuff. She'll be wearing it on her ski trip in early January.

Had a good day. Eight of us for lunch in Greenwich Pizza Express. Lots of happy banter and no travel hassles. Exhausted though - very full on weekend. And bloody cold. Aged P did not like the short walk through the park, her knees got chilly and she had to make up for it by drinking three pots of tea with her tuna salad. She conveniently forgot this and said she had only one. Just as well she has a good bladder still...

Many thanks for all the lovely comments on my 200th blip yesterday, very touching, and very supportive. It's a long road and you are all inspirational in ways both big and small.

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