
By TrishaR

Trip to Bo-ness for ride on the Polar Express

Another tradition since Cameron came along is the trip to Bo'ness for the Santa train, also called the Polar Express, steam train taking around 7 coaches on an old track which is gone for around 1 hour. Lots of fun on the train for the wee ones. Santa goes aroud the coaches giving out gifts to every child a well as an orange. Each coach has someone playing an accordian and there is a good old sing-song. Someone shouts if there is any christmas birthdays and with my daughter having one on Tuesday there was a rendition of Happy Birthday to her!

As we drove home later along the A9 back to Perth, listening to the radio, and looking out to the farway hills covered in snow and a light dusting on the lower ground, grass sparkling with frost, I heard one of my all time favourite christmas songs playing. It's by Greg Lake, and called I Believe in Father Christmas.

I would love to know what your favourite Christmas song is:-))

Still really busy. We have been hunting all evening for the 2 sets of Christmas lights for the tree that sits in the hall. We are not sure, but think we may be thrown them out as there were a few bulbs blown.

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