Always inconstant...

By bikeyPete

Ouch! Merry Christmas!!

ooooooooh my head!!

Drunk singing till past 3am and onto nearly 4...... then slept on a blow up mattress that kept going down!!!

Up early, I could hear everyone else snoring so made myself a cuppa, listened to Elgar and had a little think. My favourite winter boots had bitten the dust the night before and my toes were going to get very cold on the way boots then, not what you need just before xmas!!!

I left before everyone had gotten up (lazy buggers!) and went into town, coffee then found some wicked boots and then caught the train home. More coffee and then I hit the xmas decks with a vengeance, tree up, decks on, lights on trees outside and around the dinning room entrance and suddenly it's Christmas!!!!

Work will take up all my energy next week so I must be prepared, that means lists, my lovely wife loves a list.

My head hurts!!!

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