
By RaceyTrace333

Trip on the Victor Barge with RSPB

Well today I wass up at 05.45hrs to board the Victor at 07.30hrs at Mistley Quay. It was a very cold and frosty morning to be starting early. Off I went with 3 layers on and wooly hat (like a bird).

We set off and the water was calm, which was a blessing. However, it was a little disappointing as the tide, did not s as expected, which meant we did not see as many birds as they thought.

Some of the birds that we saw:
Black Swan

We also saw a couple of seals, swimming.

I went with Jules who is a lady that I met in September, on Mistley Walls, and we got talking and have been in touch since. Also then while on the boat there was this girl, and I thought I know her. Well her mum said Leanette, and I did know her, we played hockey together at school. Not seen her for 28 years.

Although a little disappointed as we did not see as much as we thought we would and limited photos, what was good I meet up with some old friend and have some made some further friends.

Well the 100 page photo book that i have brought, I will not design a Beth Chatto book along with flowers.

Hope you all have a good weekend. I am off to bed shortly as I have to be up at 03.30hrs tomorrow for work!

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