Without Malice

By aforethought

Galactic Christmas

Only seven days until Christmas. According to those that understand these things, that's plenty of time! The world was created in six, so I am told.

I was asked what kind of Christmas I wanted this year, but apparently a Jewish Christmas is incompatible with my family's belief system. They believe in presents, flashing lights and baubles, restricted rights for turkeys, and The Sound of Music!

It's not that I miserable (although, coincidently, I might well be - but that's for another blip) rather I distrust humanity. Decades of experience suggest that the season of goodwill will be over soon, and it will be back to reality. SNAFU.

As I look up to the heavens and see the infinite expanse before me, I can only hope that someone out there can do it right, all year round.

Seven days left for us to work out how, or that's it for another year.

Merry Christmas.

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