
By Juli

Carols by candlelight.

Had a wonderful walk in the crisp, cold, frosty woods this morning when my daughter had her horseriding lesson. Just right for clearing the cobwebs after a week at home with a poorly little boy.

Then off to the supermarket, did a bit of studying while the kids watched 'Charlie and the Chocolate Factory' and ate Krispy Kremes, then various other boring things that had to be done, followed by church in the evening for the candlelit carol service. Apparently there are almost 300 candles lit for the occasion.

It was a nice service - the choir are terrific and the chimes players always amaze me, it's such a beautiful sound. I have no idea who these kids are but I found it on YouTube and it'll give you an idea what I mean!

Anyway, despite a wealth of lovely candle-related photo opportunities, my pictures were all a bit boring so I had a play with this one.

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