TAT Gallery

Welcome to The TAT Gallery aka the downstairs Loo

Took Sheddy to Coton Manor today except it was shut ...I then took her to Nasby battle and farm museum ...except it was shut. I then took Sheddy to Nasby Monument except I missed it and we went round again. I then took Sheddy to Prince Rupert's viewpoint ...except I didn't plan that. just happened .. then I took her to Market Harborough and we walked around in the pleasant sunshine buying Tat ..well I was ...
Whilst driving, Sheddy was telling me a really interesting story as a consequence most of the journey was done in 2nd gear as I was very intent on listening, luckily it was a very quiet country road
NB I didn't take her to Spain or Brittany

Goodbye Shed Monkey I shall miss you a great deal :(

Came home James cooked supper, watched the Tennis well couldn't avoid it ..yawn, and then fell asleep in front of the highly raved about TV crime programme that I can't remember what it's called ... I think I have hit a VERY big wall ...hence late posting and hitting ground running
Boring boring yawn zzzz snore dribble must get on ...I want a holiday ...

Edit : picture very yellow can't be bothered to correct ...oops

I haven't even had time to talk about crypto sporidium or what ever they put in the water in Northampton hopefully Shy will rant about all that ... this is dangerously begining to sound like a mooooaaan ..must stop ..slap myself about and carry on ...

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