Lizzy Clare

By LizzyClare

Rainy days and Mondays

It has been dull, grey, cold and wet all day and I also noticed that the flowers I bought for myself a short while ago are starting to look well past their best! are some grey, dull, well past it flowers!! Merry Christmas! ;-)

In other news I have my slimming club tonight and only need to lose one pound to have lost 3 and a half stone in total...... BUT I have been a very bad girl this week :-/ so I fully expect to put weight on....first gain since I started, way back in the summer, but still annoying! :-( I guess I have just started to ease up early for Christmas!

Ah all have my permission to NAG ME to get back to it in the New Year. I really want to get to my target by August 2012 so if you catch me sneaking a curly wurly or a handful of chocolate buttons, in a furtive manner........give me a right good bollocking jolly good telling off. ;-)

Have a good evening all

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