Tree Roots

By TreeRoots


Finally, break is here.
I spent the day being the Photographer for a Santa Clause Christmas gig. It was fun.
I finally get some time away from school and some time to relax for once. I never understood why the state set school up the way they did. 7 hours a day, and normally 2 hours of homework following it. I really never have time for ideas for photographs and art, let alone social life. I'm hoping to get a lot accomplished over break, although I don't think it's going to happen. My teachers sent me home with:
-2 chapter outlines to do.
-Read a 200 page book and write a report on it.
-Do 2 art projects and my sketchbook assingment.
-Come up with a photo for my self portrait in Art.
-Do two practice exams and study them.
On top of all of that, I have 2 paintings I want to finish, a couple photos I want to do for here; blip. I also have Christmas shopping to still yet finish, and Christmas eve and Christmas day itself.

I've got to admit though, I enjoy working under pressure.
I'll be uploading a lot more.

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