Trial and Error

By DawnC

Dash bored...

Taken while Son2 was having his last drum lesson of the year. Son1 was listening to his iPod and I had nobody to talk to :(

I spent the morning doing domestic chores while waiting for the boys' new beds to arrive ("between 7am and 1pm", they said, hence I set my alarm for 6.30am just in case...). After they arrived at 11.30am I took the (by now very restless) dogs for a walk in the rain (it had been nice and frosty first thing too), then nipped over to Petersfield to do some shopping-related chores, and returned via the garden centre. Timed it just right to give the boys a lift home from school (it was still pouring with rain) and then spent half an hour putting the beds together (a job DIY Dad subsequently completed upon his return from work) before setting off for Son2's drum lesson. Returned home and cooked meatballs and linguine prior to supervising a bit of bedroom reorganisation.

Winter Pimms is calling me now...

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