
Did our Christmas present run up to Darrens family in Andover today. It was lovely to see them all and even better as we all met in a pub restaurant and got to sit and chat together rather than us dotting from house to house and being ready to drop by the end of the day. This was so much more relaxed and we got to spend longer with everybody too. Won't see them all now until new years eve when we are getting together at one sisters for a casino night, posh frocks and suits I can't wait!!!!

Update on my Gran, my parents are home and agreed with my decision not to contact them thank goodness. Gran is doing much better physically and they have said if it wasn't for the factor of wether she is returning home or into a care home they could have released her by now. We have to wait for meetings and assessments to be done for them to determine wether she is competent to make her own decisions or not so she is likely to be there for another week or two. Just want what is right for her and if she is able to make a choice, to respect her wishes.

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