Diary of a Homeowner

By JennyWrenny

Pani's Glow

I was beginning to get a little bit panicked again that I wasn't going to find anything to blip, and whilst this isn't particularly exciting it does hold some meaning for me.

Tonight a friend of mine took me for a belated birthday dinner in one of my favourite cafes in Newcastle and this is one of their wall decorations. I have been going to Pani's since 1997/8 when another friend and I used to spend our students days smoking lots of Marlboro Lights in there whilst half-heartedly looking for part-time jobs in The Chronicle. We don't smoke any more, we are both in full time employment, and my friend now has three kids in tow, so things have changed a lot for us. The really nice thing about this cafe though is that most of the waiting staff who work there now are still the same guys who used to work there all those years ago...long live Pani's!

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