Saw This Today

By MaggiePye

Save This Building

A campaign going on this evening in Tooley St to save the old South Eastern Railway offices.

Network Rail wants to demolish the Victorian building to rebuild the concourse of London Bridge station and replace it with ANOTHER boring steel/glass/concrete/whatever modern building.
And I know modern buildings can be beautiful or interesting or exciting (I like the Shard, although the building work has been a pain in the bum) but a many of them aren't. A lot of Tooley St has already been colonised by depressing unimaginative lumps and it would be good if some of it's character could be preserved.

The campaigner's website is (Bermondsey Village Action Group) They have an online petition. I signed the clipboard version this evening.

edit. 1 October 2016. It has now been demolished. 

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