Jax and co.

By indusriver

black ice

Black ice was all I managed to grab a quick shot of today even though the mountains were covered in snow and the sky blue - perfect for a walk and taking some photos.

In fairness Sienna though the ice was excellent fun as she went skating all over the carpark wearing her Santa hat - of which I would have captured but I was much too concerned with staying upright to try and actually get her in a shot!

Rest of the day went somewhat like this...

Up early to drive daughter down the M6 to Blackburn for running endurance training. Motorway down to 1 or 2 lanes due to snow and ice, with low lying sun blinding me the whole way - a long, long trip
Back window wiper broken to add to the overall joy of driving!
Waited with Sienna while Indus trained.
Back up motorway, less snow, more glare.
Dressed Sienna and took her to a birthday party.
To the supermarket - shopped.
Home - picked up the others and got ready for party.
No power due to power cut.
Back to pick up Sienna from party and and drove to a Christmas party.
Got lost.
Found party - stayed for three hours.
Home - kids to bed.
Stayed up to midnight doing work proposal.

Back blipped - I wonder why!

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