Journey Through Time

By Sue

Winter Doldrums

Stellar Jay, the other jay that comes in for bread crumbs or goodies in the open bird feeder. This one snagged a piece of bread and went to the tree to eat it.

The first day of Winter, for the Northern Hemisphere is coming up soon, and the dark days of December are upon us. I waited and waited for another chance at the bluejays but they never came back that I saw between wrapping presents and staying out of Bill's way when he was making his famous "nuts and bolts" mix for Christmas giving. It's just strange weather for us as we are going to easily break the record for the driest December, unless a good rain storm comes in before New Year's. Some days the sun has broken through or it's been sunny all day, but we've also had a lot of foggy, overcast days and this is another one. Other than the hummingbird, bluejays were about all the birds I saw today. They must visit other yards and just rotate around. That's my theory, anyway.

Bill is off to see The Trailblazer's first home game, a pre-season game. Our basketball season got shortened because the billionaire owners and the millionaire players were squabbling over money issues. I should have that problem.

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