Leo's offerings

By Leonine

Sorry folks...No Sunshine!

This won't mean much to our overseas friends I feel sure. It's a well known sculpture of one of the UK's finest comedians...Eric Morecambe, a master of comedic timing!
It stands on the sea front here in Morecambe, that was his stage name incidentally, his family name was Bartholemew.
Much controversy around the way it was sited, facing the rather run down looking sea front buildings, when, as his favourite hobby was studying birds...hence the binos, one would imagine it should have faced the sea.
So today I took both views, leaving you to judge:)
Dull day of course, when his signature tune was " Give me sunshine!" I seized the opportunity to open my lens wide..the pundits say " If you got the glass, then use it!" It paid off here:)

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