
By Tardy

Little Blue

My uncle has a small holding just outside of town. I've spent lots of time wandering down there, taking pictures and just faffing around.

Yesterday evening, I though I might head down to see if I could get a decent sunset shot. The only thing I forgot all about was the guard dog. Normally he doesn't bother me, I'm family and there is usually other people around. Not last night. I managed to get in his way, so he let me know. I now have seven stitches in the back of my leg!

It's not his fault, he was just doing his job. I feel like a complete idiot! I've been around dogs all my life, so I should know what not to do! Oh well, at least I'll have a rather lovely wee scar for my holiday in September!

I didn't want my uncle to feel bad so I went back today to face the beast (the dog not my uncle!). He was fine! So I had the wander I didn't manage to get then. Found this little blue guy hanging around the ponds and managed to catch him before he darted off.

Hope everyone had a good Tuesday!

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