A Plumbers Wife!

By hebsjournal


is the mother of invention.

Desperation is often the creator of a blip. (how? see below!)

Firstly, thank you all so much for the supportive comments and insulting ones because they did do me the power of good last night, and today.

Today has been bad in terms of pain and utter exhaustion - bad night's sleep, caused by the cats, my boy who wouldn't sleep, discomfort and a bit of snoring. I think I dropped off finally around 3 am.

On a scale of 1 to 10, my pain levels have been at Spinal Tap level (take it up to 11).

However, I have been looked after, treated gently and kindly, by so many people around me today that I have got through. The darkness has lifted somewhat and there have been glimmers of light today.

I appreciate all of the sympathy, kind words, simple gestures.

Topped off by Fisherking who waited after school for me to finish a meeting so that we could go for a coffee at Starbucks. One medium gingerbread latte later, a long conversation about work, and an even longer (but far more interesting) conversation about quantum theory, the Space shuttle program and a brief history of the Russian Space program and I actually found myself feeling more like me. Considering he's not a physicist, Kieran does tolerate my penchant for conversations that start with "Did you see Professor Brian Cox on tv the other night......?"

My image represents that my heart is wrapped in little glimmers of light - from all of my friends, in the 'real world' and in blipland too. I know that I am lucky to have such great support from so many. I appreciate it completely.

A surprise visit by another friend this evening, wrapping of some presents for a friend who is leaving tomorrow and now I am knackered.

Blood tests in the morning. Again.

I much prefer utter exhaustion to the dark, foul mood of yesterday - it's more bearable and less unpleasant for my boys to cope with.

Night night

(How - a heart shape cut from foam, carefully balanced in the fronds of a fibre optic lamp - simple)

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