But I am not sure Santa wants your fone number

Tonight was an important one. We wrote to Santa. Our expectations have been duly set, no iPads, no iPhones, yet, so we enjoy this while it lasts. No, what do we want? More pay. When do we want it ....

In fact we want a fairly tame selection of things including some games (does some include one or is it a definite plural?) for a console, a couple of books and some things for b(u)ild a bears. That said, not sure I'd be handing out my phone number willy nilly.

Part two of this deal was putting the letters up the chimney and watching the girls run out to see them fly off to 'Nantartica'. Hard to describe, I did exactly the same when I was a child. I guess I am repeating myself from last year's exercise. Good job it wasn;t a repeat of the time I set it on fire and nearly destroyed Christmas.

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