Without Malice

By aforethought

The Green Light

Today I began my winter vacation; the holidays are Go! Although I took work home - gotta learn not to do that...

I started it with a gourmet burger with my eldest; Ketchup in Dundee allow you to buy a random burger - your "server" picks the "ideal" burger for you! She did a decent job, we enjoyed the food.

I then continued down the ages with the middle child on a night time driving lesson, discovering she has a weakness for stalling at roundabouts! Tomorrow we will do more roundabouts. Face thine fear, progeny of mine!

Oh and while I am at it... to the pair of *#%*ers who were so impatient as to toot their horns at us as she recovered from one stalling incident, you are really a metaphor for all that is wrong with society. Surely 30 seconds is not an intolerable time to wait, now is it?

And so to the youngest, and her dearly loved, and nearly departed, iPhone. She slipped on the ice yesterday, and though she was bruised her phone took the brunt. Diagnosis? Murder!

All of this topped off with popcorn, crap television, cheap (not in a particularly good way) Chianti, and not thinking too much.


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