A Moment In Time *smile*

By cf10ten

Wedding day blues & whites

I occasionally do wedding photos in return for a donation to a charity I support in Kenya, The Children Of Watamu Its a win win scenario the bride & groom get a lot of photos the Charity get some much needed funds and I have a great day *smile*

Janey & Jon asked me some time ago to take their photos I have known them for some time are and I can honestly say individually they are lovely people but together they amazing they were certainly meant to be a couple. Their love for each other is there for all to see I was honored to be at their wedding its not been an easy time for them but they have come through the year smiling.

They are both Spurs football fans and the theme was very much blue & white they even had a signed letter from their manager which added a bit more magic to a magical day.

How do you just choose one photo from about 800? This one was taken shortly after they became husband & wife. *smile*

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