Not every day

By ppatrick

Antic hay

Yesterday morning the Milford-Manchester train hit a lorry and trailer with a load of straw (or hay, according to the BBC) on this level crossing west of Whitland, making the line unusable for at least three days. Apparently the driver was halfway over the crossing when he realised that his exit was blocked by vehicles involved in works for Network Rail. He left his cab to ask them to move, and in that time the train arrived, tried to stop but didn't manage it. Fortunately passengers only sustained minor injuries, but others coming home for their holidays (like our son the next day) had to be bussed from Carmarthen. The train and lorry have been cleared, but quite a lot of straw remains. The driver was arrested and later bailed. An example of how we all depend on each other's competence and forethought from time to time. Happy Christmas, blippers.

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