I've Gone Deef

My daughter's Christmas dance at school tonight.

This is really her first 'grown up' dance. She is in third year now and their Christmas dance is in the evening. She asked if a friend could come here after school for them to get ready together.

They realised that they didn't have much time left to get ready, then her friend realised that she had left her ticket at home so we would have to go back to get it. Meantime they were waiting for another friend to arrive as I was driving them there. The third friend was late, as always, and they were beginning to wonder if she was going to come.

She finally arrived and we piled into the car. A twenty minute journey with three excited teenagers singing Christmas songs at the top of their voices and and taking photographs. Was glad when they got out of the car because the volume was deafening.

This is not the greatest shot. I kind of caught them off guard as they were wondering how much longer their friend would be. Better, I guess, than the forced poses I had been getting beforehand.

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