Sweet Child of Mine

By skip176

Baking Day Again

Today we made some cookies. Again I laid everything out on the floor. I put all the ingredients into separate bowls so that she could add them to the big bowl. It worked well and she was a lot more interested than last time.

She also enjoyed looking through the oven window to check their progress.

And she seemed to enjoy eating them too, although she took 40 minutes to eat one!

I had my first outing with both of the girls to somewhere that wasn't contained (ie the children's groups). We went to tesco, just to pick up a few bits. I didn't want to take Rebecca out of the carseat, because I wanted her to stay asleep when we got home, long enough to do the shopping. So Elizabeth had to walk. This could have been a problem, because she's been known to pick things off the shelf. But she was really good and didn't misbehave at all!

Then Rebecca and I had our 6 week check up at the doctors this afternoon.

20 minutes before we needed to start getting ready, both girls fell asleep. I couldn't believe it! 1. because I haven't had any success in getting Elizabeth to nap on our days. And 2. because I had to go out and wouldn't get to enjoy some down time.

Anyway, the appointment went well and Elizabeth wasn't too grumpy after being woken. Rebecca is now 11oz, still on the 75th centile. Elizabeth got to this weight at about 12 weeks. All is still going well.

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