Aquamarine/Nanna K's Day

By NannaK

Anniversary Roses

I don't blip flowers much but I do love them and these are special as my true love gets them every year to help celebrate our solstice anniversary - Can't believe it was 48 years ago when we were children who really didn't know one another that well but knew it was right and had a small Christmasy wedding back in the midwest where there was snow on the ground and went skiing for a honeymoon. (not the best idea when one of us -me- skied better than the other...) It's been a wonderful 48 years - we are so very lucky to have had each other through all the good and not so good times - now we can sit on the porch in our rocking chairs and grow old together. right? HA. We don't have any rocking chairs. And there's too much to do to sit for long....

I was planning on going to Tai Chi practice today but when we woke up it was another spectacularly calm day in the NW so decided we really needed a together row on our 48th anniversary on Dec 21 in Seattle. (who would think it?) Then I had a broken tooth extracted (enuf about that!) and am really looking forward to dinner at a favorite neighborhood restaurant with some very good friends (who usually spend New Years at the island with us but that isn't going t work this year, so we're at least having one nice evening...) And I'm also looking forward to a martini!

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