The Memory Keeper

By athousandwords


Well, maybe not! Last Thursday was our final RDA of the year, and each rider was awarded with a special Christmas rosette after the ride... It's always the most fun lesson of the year, with festive music and themed games. The helpers always get just a little competitive though, which makes it a good laugh!

Took Mister Risky for a long hack today, flippin shattered and very muddy by the time I got back! Cycled up earlier today with Luka and sorted the stable etc. Luckily most of the ice on the path has melted and there were no bike disasters to worry about. Dog was less than impressed when I swapped my bike for a horse on the way home and he had a complete grump on for the whole walk back. Met my mum just down the road from our flat then rode back to the stables dog-free. He was bloody filthy, quite glad I got out of washing him today! Risky was great, wet himself a little when a van drove over the bridge just as we were going under, but I don't blame him... Made me jump too!

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