A confused genius

By Lez11

The longer you are single, the more others think t

I spent most of the day visiting relatives, nans, grandad and aunties. Sometimes I don't know why I bother as I get asked the same question everytime, are you courting? Then when I say no, I get the Spanish inquisition on why I'm still single. I have to go through this everytime, it's like I'm some kind of family outcast because I'm not in a relationship. I was the first person in the family to get a degree (with honours I might add), does that ever get mentioned, NO. What does get mentioned everytime is why am I still single!

That then brings me onto the word "courting"? This word should be banned from the English dictionary, apart from old people who else uses this word?

Talking about my degree I answered a question yesterday which I remembered learning when I was at university, is black and white a colour, (pic)? I was really proud of myself that I remembered the answer as it was probably the first time I have ever used the knowledge I learned at uni. By the way white is a colour, black is not a colour but I'm not going to bore you with the reasons why.

Going to watch sports personality of the year later, my vote is going to mark cavendish but I wouldn't mind mo farrah winning. Maybe one year an actual sports man or woman will win it who has a personality. If it was based on personality alone I think Paul gascoigne would win it every year whether or nor you love or loath him.

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